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How Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Work? Here is the Scientific Data.

How Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Work? Here is the Scientific Data.

Based upon the scientific evidence, chiropractic spinal adjustments stimulate mechanoreceptors and nociceptors of the spinal joints resulting in afferent discharges and subsequently causing central modulation with an effect at the cord and brain levels. This causes pain reductions and secondary hyperalgesia (pain reduction in remote regions) which appears to be due to central sensitization of the spinal dorsal horn neurons, while primary hyperalgesia is caused by nociceptor sensitization.

In simple terms, the Chiropractic adjustment restores motion into joints which then affects the nervous system by relaxing the surrounding muscles and helping with the pain in the localized region.

In my clinic, we focus a lot on soft tissue treatment also. So not only do we do adjustments when needed we also treat the localized area with different soft tissue techniques such as massage and Active Release Technique (ART). We use modalities such as interferential current, ultrasound, Acupuncture and Laser to loosen tight muscles and decrease pain. We also spend time reviewing and working on exercises that’ll help restore range of motion and to help strengthen muscles which in the long run will help prevent recurring injuries and chronic pain.  Not only do we have to strengthen weak muscles we must also stimulate and activate inhibited muscles.

Many patients come in with lower back pain and although the back muscles are tight and stiff that is often not the source of the problem. We must examine not only the lower back region but also the hips and the thoracic spine (mid-back region) to see if there’s any restrictions or lack of movement or weakness or inhibition that might be creating these chronic and recurring issues.

So we are not only treating the area of pain we’re also rehabilitating the areas of dysfunction which cause these lower back issues for example.

If you have a chronic or recurring injury that hasn’t responded to treatment such as Physiotherapy give us a call. I have had a great amount of success treating patients who have done lots of other therapies that have not worked and we managed to get them better, stronger, faster, and ready for the next challenge such a sports, gardening, or just spending time playing with your kids and family.







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